El especulum morale de Alfonso IX a la luz del Pórtico de la Gloria

  1. Núñez Rodríguez, Manuel
Potestas: Religión, poder y monarquía. Revista del Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica

ISSN: 1888-9867

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 69-98

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Potestas: Religión, poder y monarquía. Revista del Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica

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The regnum guardianship is trusted to Adefonsus IX, Dei gratia Rex Legiones et Gallecie, by the Church and his title remains associated to the straightness of his acts (rex eris si recta facias) and duties. This note gives a quite enough reliable source to all that it is shown on the right archivolt of the Portico of Glory, where on its left side the apparence of crowned images of whom governed God’s people and were promoters of the Portico does not seem to be casual: Ferdinand II and his son Alfonso IX, who went ahead with a Reconquest war that was of Crusade nature. Therefore it is not considered to pay duty – the Purgatory - but it is the direct way to the Glory (in the central tympanum) for those who already payed their taxes and settled accounts before dying (their causa peregrinationis to Santiago), thereby entailing their biographies a speculum morale. In addition, the whole royal funerary, which was promoted by Alfonso IX, is kept away from rigor mortis to propose the katharsis as a reference to a transitory condition (dum mors in vital vertitur), inherent in those who are designated for an extension:to return to life. But in the Portico there is still another no additional fact: that who had self conceded the title of pilgrim’s protector (Alfonso IX) compels the meus peregrinus presence in act of contrition for the fear of condemnation.