Metodología de creación de valor sostenible para proyectos de energías renovables

  1. Piñeiro Chousa, Juan
  2. Romero Castro, Noelia
Nimbus: Revista de climatología, meteorología y paisaje

ISSN: 1139-7136

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 25-26

Páxinas: 187-204

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Nimbus: Revista de climatología, meteorología y paisaje

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The renewable energies sector has experienced a remarkable growth in last years, becoming an essential part of the shift towards a sustainable model of economic development. As in other sectors of the economy, the renewable energies one must be concerned about planning, managing and controlling its value creation processes in a sustainable manner (regarding the three sides of the Sustainability concept: economic, environmental and social), and it needs new analysis and management tools as these presented in this paper. On the other hand, the renewable energies sector, as any other, cannot deny its interrelation with the rest of sectors of the economic system. This is why it is imperative to analyse its value creation potential under the framework of a sustainable value creation model for the whole economy of a community, country or region, highlighting the interrelations with other sectors of activity and with the diverse elements of the environmental and social context, among which landscape is in a prominent position and object of a growing attention.