Las literaturas medievales como provocación de la literatura comparadareflexión sobre las formaciones culturales no-nacionales

  1. Domínguez Prieto, César
Revista de Poética Medieval

ISSN: 1137-8905

Ano de publicación: 2008

Título do exemplar: Medievalismo/s. De la disciplina y otros espacios imaginados (I)

Número: 20

Páxinas: 99-126

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Poética Medieval


In this article the challenges which medieval literatures pose in a double direction to comparative Iiterature are discussed: 1) the necessary critica! reformulation of comparative literature in a new paradigm that transcends the Iimits of the national and 2) the implementation of methods and tools for its application to the study of medievalliteratures, in contrast to the traditional presentist view of critical theory. In this respect, a systemic approach to medievalliteratures and subsequent methodological developments inspired by this theoretical platform are posed