La mujer-artista y sus circunstanciasKäthe Kollwitz

  1. Núñez Rodríguez, Manuel
Semata: Ciencias sociais e humanidades
  1. Villarino Pérez, Montserrat (coord.)
  2. Rey Castelao, Ofelia (coord.)
  3. Sánchez Ameijeiras, Rocío (coord.)

ISSN: 1137-9669 2255-5978

Ano de publicación: 2008

Título do exemplar: En femenino : voces, miradas, territorios

Número: 20

Páxinas: 389-407

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Semata: Ciencias sociais e humanidades

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The work of the German woman artist Käthe Kollwitz is here analysed as an expresiive witness od the particular personal and social cincumstances of her life. Her visual discourses can hardly be labeled as “feminists”, but they transcend the oppositton male/female, for they constitute a social commintment against the horror of violence and the grief unleased by the war, but they conofrm a visual expression of her won personal experiences, the grief of a mother who haave lost a son and a grand-son in succesive military confrontations