La construcción de un repositorio de materiales abiertos reutilizables para apoyo a la docencia universitaria: MOREA.

  1. Gewerc Barujel, Adriana
  2. Pernas Morado, Eulogio
  3. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jesús
  4. Vidal Puga, María del Pilar
  5. Vila Sobrino, Xosé Antón
  6. Agra Pardiñas, María Xesús
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 1695-288X

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 55-75

Type: Article

More publications in: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


The purpose of this research was to design a space (repository) to support higher education staff in the elaboration of materials for teaching in the web. This space (MOREA) is now available in Process of research: (1) exploration and analysis of the already existing warehouses (repositories) and elaboration of a learning objects bank with easy reusability. 53 repositories were analyzed and 264 objects distributed by knowledge areas (experimental sciences; technical; sciences of the health; social and law sciences; and humanities). The objects were recovered based on their possibilities to develop some strategy of renewed education agreed with the principles of the constitution of the european higher education area. Also they have been gotten up metadata in standard SCORM. They have been evaluated by experts using an instrument elaborated for such aim. Used open source software, selecting the ¡°Plantedr¡±, elaborated by the university Rovira i Virgili. The repository of MOREA has the following signs of identity: directed to professors non expert in the use of ICT; it is for the university academic world; the type of material is multimedia, excluding texts or articles that can find easily in other sites; it will include criteria of use the objects; the proposal focuses from a constructivist perspective. The visual identity of morea (in Galician language is .set of things.): colours, typography and images shape a homogenous set to make it accessible to the user. (2) Elaboration of tutorials that helps to the teaching faculty to design materials using the objects proposed in MOREA. Tutorials have been designed taking care of the different strategies of teaching (cases study, web-quest, lecturing)

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