La "praeteritio" proemial de la "Tebaida" de Estacio¿Vocación cíclica o virgilianista?

  1. Criado Boado, Cecilia
Myrtia: revista de filología clásica

ISSN: 0213-7674 1989-4619

Year of publication: 1999

Issue: 14

Pages: 101-117

Type: Article

More publications in: Myrtia: revista de filología clásica


This paper reviews and discusses the theories of some critics, who had suggested that the Statius's proemium is a clear programmatic declaration and in the same way they had interpreted the praeteritio of this prolog as a anticlicic manifestation against Antimacus of Colophon. Therefore, the critics considered that Statius takes side on the classicism of Vergilius.