Avant les textesnouvelles remarques sur le manuscrit Paris, BNF, Latin 7027
- Pigeaud, Alfrieda (ed. lit.)
- Pigeaud, Jackie (ed. lit.)
Verlag: Université de Nantes ; Institut Universitaire de France
ISBN: 2-86939-156-0
Datum der Publikation: 2000
Seiten: 317-329
Kongress: Colloque International sur les Textes Médicaux Latins (6. 1998. Nantes)
Art: Konferenz-Beitrag
The manuscript latin 7027 of the BNF (= P4) exhibits some rearrangements in the order of the text of the Latin translation of the first book of the Regimen and also of the commentary to the third Section of the 'Aphorisms' ; the quantitative proportion of the pieces of text that have been moved leads us to assume the existence of an accidentaI error in the copying process of an ancestor of the manuscript. On the other hand, we may discover the conditions under which the copy was made, which helps us evaluate more clearly the evidence of tradition, this in order to identify the entity of a text ('De natura generis humani') and the problems raised by the edition of texts of a "dynamic" nature.