La formación en TIC del profesorado participante en los planes de formación del sindicato FETE-UGT

  1. Fernández Morante, María del Carmen
  2. Casal Otero, Lorena
Tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
  1. Roig Vila, Rosabel (coord.)

Publisher: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-9921-848-9

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 1616-1627

Type: Book chapter


Actuality, in Spain, teachers continuous training are developed through different agents, mainly the Administration and the Social Agents. This study focused in the training managed by the Social Agents, specifically by FETE-UGT union. Our research problem was centered in ICT knowledge developed by teachers trained througth FETE-UGT actions, how they use ICT in the practice, and which theoretical approaches guides them. The main results and conclusions reached have indicated that ICT availability is uneven in the regions, that teachers uses frequently avaliable technologies but in a tradicional way (present information, motivate�), less in a innovative uses. Teachers considers more competent for ICT didactic use than for the handle technical. ICT organisation in the educational centes has evidences that it has endowed of computers and connection to internet in the common spaces but this endowment is lower in the classrooms.