Health at work, ageing and environmental effects on future social security and labour law systems

  1. Nuno Cerejeira Namora ed. lit.
  2. Lourdes Mella Méndez ed. lit.
  3. Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa ed. lit.
  4. Gonçalo Cerejeira Namora ed. lit.
  5. Eduardo Castro Marques ed. lit.

Editorial: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

ISBN: 9781527514010

Ano de publicación: 2018

Tipo: Libro

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


This volume analyses the most important problems and challenges that health, age and the environment introduce in the labour market, and how these factors affect both the way people work and their rights. The contributions here focus on the main challenges for social security systems, lawmakers and trade unions, and provide important solutions to improve workers’ rights and guarantee the viability of public social security systems. Other topics analysed here include dress-codes and whistleblowing in companies. From the labour point of view, workers’ representatives and trade unions must take action in collective bargaining to deal with these topics and adequately protect the workforce. The authors here are drawn from countries such as Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Colombia, providing a global perspective. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions and employers’ representation.