Study of transfer reactions induced by a 16C beam

  1. Pereira López, Xesús
Supervised by:
  1. Beatriz Fernández Domínguez Director
  2. Nigel Orr Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 20 December 2016

  1. Karsten Riisager Chair
  2. Beatriz Fernández Domínguez Secretary
  3. Antonio Matias Moro Muñoz Committee member
  4. Didier Beaumel Committee member
  5. Nigel Orr Committee member
  1. Department of Particle Physics

Type: Thesis


Recent experiments have evidenced the existence of new nuclear shell gaps at N=14 and N=16 in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes associated with the vanishing of the N=20 shell gap. However, in the neutron-rich carbon isotopes, the extent to which these gaps persist is unclear. In an effort to answer this question we have attempted to probe the low-lying level structure of 17C using the (d,p) transfer reaction to locate the single-particle orbitals involved in the formation of the N=14 and N=16 shell gaps. The experiment was carried out at the GANIL facility. A 16C beam at 17.2 AMeV produced by fragmentation was used to bombard a CD2 target. The light ejectiles were detected using the TIARA silicon strip array while a Si-Si-CsI telescope was placed at zero degrees to identify beam-like residues. In addition, four HPGe-EXOGAM clover detectors were used to measure the gamma-rays arising from 17C bound excited states. The measured angular distributions confirm the spin and parity assignments of 3/2+, 1/2+ and 5/2+ for the ground and the first and second excited states located at 217 keV and 335 keV respectively. The spectroscopic factors deduced for these excited states indicate a large single particle strength, in agreement with shell model calculations. With a strong l = 0 valence neutron component and a low separation energy, the first excited state of 17C appears as a good one-neutron halo candidate.