Estudo comparativo da adquisição das fricativas nas línguas portuguesa e espanhola

  1. Ferreira Pinheiro, Wanessa Raquel
Dirixida por:
  1. Milagros Fernández Pérez Director
  2. Mônica Serafim Sobral Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 04 de decembro de 2015

  1. Alexandre Veiga Rodríguez Presidente
  2. Isabel Fernández López Secretaria
  3. Francisco José Rodríguez Muñoz Vogal
  4. Josefa Dorta Luis Vogal
  5. Dolores Madrid Vivar Vogal
  1. Departamento de Lingua e Literatura Españolas, Teoría da Literatura e Lingüística Xeral

Tipo: Tese


In this paper we research the issues of variability of the linguistic environment in the development of phonic aspects of fricatives of the Portuguese and Spanish, in order to prove the diversity of environments, both according to the variables, as well as the idiomatic environment that influence the acquisition of these phonemes, comparing acquisitive development of the languages concerned. Our theoretical basis is focused on research Ingram (1976; 1975) and Jakobson (1941.1984), of language acquisition area, the types of processes based on Stampe (1979), Lima (2003), Cagliari (1981) and Mattoso (1988); the analysis of the phonological system of Portuguese and Spanish and their fricative phonemes with Mattoso (1970), Cristófaro-Silva (2002), Bonilha and Matzenauer (2003), Cagliari (2007), Matzenauer-Hernandorena (1994), Alarcos (1965) Martínez Celdrán (1989), Quilis (1999), Diez-Itza (1995). The methodology consisted of the collection of CHILDES corpus data of children under one year old of Portuguese and Spanish children a year, two years and five years old. We also use a body specially created for research, with Brazilian children aged two and five years old in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará. The data showed us that there is so much similarity between the Portuguese and Spanish languages at the phonological, morphological as exists in the area. The fricative with higher productivity between the two languages were quite different. In the Portuguese stood out labiodental / f / and / v /; already in Spanish only highlight was the alveolar deaf / s /. As for fricative that Brazilian children had more difficulty we had the alveolopalatares pairs / ᶴ / and / ʒ /; Spanish children had difficulty with labiodental / f /, fricativo this that in the earlier time, was the most prominent in the acquisition of Brazilian children. Continuing to stress differences, although both languages produce some acquisition procedures in the same way, the phonemes that will replace the fricative, have nothing in common with regard to the language comparability. Unlike other factor is related to the age of acquisition. In Spanish, the children of five years acquired the fricative more easily, while in Portuguese, some children continued to have difficulties with some fricative, even at five years old. In this way, we emphasize the incompatibility of results, showing a wide range of purchasing development between Portuguese and Spanish, even among children of the same language, confirming the Ingram's theory (1975) on the phonological development of children, with influences of linguistic environment and social, leading to individual variability that will be the main factor of phonological development of language acquisition.