Antonio Casares Rodríguez e a súa contribución á Química e ao seu ensino na Universidade de Santiago

  1. Cid Manzano, Ramon
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel R. Bermejo Patiño Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 11 December 2012

  1. Juan José Casares Long Chair
  2. Ana María González Noya Secretary
  3. Ánxela Bugallo-Rodríguez Committee member
  4. José Antonio Rodríguez Vázquez Committee member
  5. María Mercedes Álvarez Lires Committee member
  1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Type: Thesis


It is assumed as a starting point of this work, that Antonio Casares Rodríguez constitutes a fundamental referent in the introduction of the modern chemistry at the University of Santiago, contributing also, to a new way to promote its teaching through the experimentation. This double dimension, scientific research and teaching exceeded the limits of the Galician science, contributing in these two areas to the development of Chemistry all along Spain in the 19th century. This thesis intends to provide all the data available,to value in the most precise way the real scientific and educational dimension of Antonio Casares. In this way it will be solidly justified the initial proposal that sets him as one of the key scientist of the Spanish chemistry in the 19th century.