As competências emocionais nos decisores políticos portugueses

Supervised by:
  1. Agustín Dosil Maceira Director
  2. Maria Augusta Romao de Veiga Branco Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 28 July 2014

  1. Constantino Arce Fernández Chair
  2. María del Mar García Señorán Secretary
  3. Víctor Santiuste Committee member
  4. Valério Soares de Figueiredo Committee member
  5. Manuel Deaño Deaño Committee member
  1. Department of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology

Type: Thesis


The present study had as objective to analyze the perception of Portuguese policy makers concerning the importance of Emotional Competences (Sarni,1999, 2002; Bisquerra, 1999, 2002; Veiga Branco, 2004, 2005) in its performance, as well as to indentify the changeable tendencies of Emotional Competence (Veiga Branco,2004 in those policy makers. Starting from such perception and identification we follow up to analyze the correlation of abilities of Emotional Competence in search of well-grounded indicative of emotional profile of Portuguese policy maker. The study focused in perception of Emotional Competence of Portuguese policy makers. The research was get from sampling consisting for 165 answers representative of population of policy makers from all organs of decision of Portuguese political less Republic Presidency. The outline of study is placed in two complementary and integral parties: one is justified in a theoretical basis where in a deductive perspective the operational concepts of research are insert and well founded, namely the actual concept of emotion and emotional competence and also the social dimensions where we explain in more incisive way the Portuguese policy maker role and the respective relevance for communities such as family and education. These last two aspects represent, besides, the two main keys of the outline of curricular Doctor¿s degree that we attended. The second part of study which is of empiric nature detailed the procedures and methodology developed, show the handling and analyze of data base and discussion of respective results. Being a study of remarkably search and correlate nature the present research was based in a mixed methodology, since we resort both quantitative dimension and qualifying dimension. The tools that became possible the collecting of data base were the Escala Veiga of Emotional Competence (Veiga-Branco, 2011), instrument confirmed by (Agostinho, 2008; Lopes, 2013; Mendonça,2009; veiga-Branco 2005; Vilela, 2006) whose questions allow us to shape the Emotional Competence through five sub scales corresponding to five abilities that integrate the Emotional Competence. The collecting tool of data base was sent firstly in paper, being then computerized and sent by mail and confirmed in specific link. The statistic handling was done through SPSS 20 program. The research results show: 1) a good perception of Emotional Competence by sampling elements; 2) the five abilities inherent to theoretical model of Emotional Competence (Veiga-Branco,2005) show too in this sampling the positive correlations and statistic relevant with the variable dependent of the study: the Emotional Competence; 3) the ability more connected with the Emotional Competence is the management of emotions in groups (r=764) and the ability less connected is self awareness (r=626); 4) the great part of sampling elements n=157, (95,2%) feel satisfaction in performance of its role of policy maker: 5) the perception of satisfaction is reducing with the age and experience on respective performance. Starting from the results acquired, the study after to trace some lines of Portuguese policy maker go to a proposal for policy maker profile emotionally competent, such proposal result since then in a reorganization in processes of choice and education these social and political agents mainly the perspective of policy maker emotionally resonant (Boyatzis & Mckee,2006) in face a certain characterless caused by centralism partisan.