New insight into serotonergic system of sea lamprey during development and regeneration

  1. Cornide Petronio, María Eugenia
Supervised by:
  1. Antón Barreiro Iglesias Director
  2. María Celina Rodicio Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 29 July 2013

  1. M. Isabel Loza García Chair
  2. Víctor M. Arce Vázquez Secretary
  3. Verona Villar Cerviño Committee member
  4. Roland Brandt Committee member
  5. Xesús Manoel Abalo Committee member
  1. Department of Functional Biology

Type: Thesis


Lampreys are interesting animal models for comparative neuroanatomical research and for the study of the neuronal circuitry underlying locomotion in vertebrates. Moreover, lampreys have been also established as a model organism for studies of spinal cord regeneration. In this thesis we have studied the evolution of the serotonergic system in vertebrates, the phylogeny of the serotonin receptors of lampreys and their homology with mammal receptors, the regeneration of the serotonergic system in lampreys, and the changes in the expression of serotonin receptors after spinal cord injury in a regenerating vertebrate as lamprey. The project could establish the basis to future research in the serotonergic system using the sea lamprey as an animal model and to study the molecular mechanisms that favour spinal cord regeneration after an injury in lampreys.