A aula literariaanálise crítica de seis textos galegos do Novecentos

  1. Castelao Mexuto, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. María Pilar García Negro Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 24 February 2010

  1. Kathleen N. March Chair
  2. Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián Secretary
  3. Luis García Soto Committee member
  4. Carlos Manuel Ferreira da Cunha Committee member
  5. Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 282167 DIALNET


"A aula literaria" ("The literary classroom") is an analysis and critical interpretation of six key texts of Twentieth Century Galician Literature: "Na noite estrelecida" (1926), by Ramón Cabanillas; "Arredor de si" (1930), by Ramón Otero Pedrayo; "De catro a catro" (1928), by Manuel-Antonio Pérez Sánchez; "Os eidos" (1955), by Uxío Novoneyra; "O incerto señor don Hamlet" (1958), by Álvaro Cunqueiro, and "Longa noite de pedra" (1962), by Celso Emilio Ferreiro. 1. In our research, we use "S/Z", by Roland Barthes, as the analytical model and the T.W. Adorno's Esthetic as the hermeneutical reference. Obviously, the bibliography on the studied authors, texts and themes also works as a tool for our reading. 2. The approach to these six texts combines two perspectives rarely seen together: -- On the one hand, meticulous attention to text, following each line and verse of the work in question, exercising a reading in the most precise sense of the word (an exegesis, if you like). This reading can be executed in part (a fragment of the work, starting from the beginning and visiting other parts or chapters afterwards, if the vision offered by the commencement is not enough to illuminate the whole work) or complete -as in the case of "De catro a catro" and "O incerto señor don Hamlet", where the whole work is analyzed, poem by poem, scene by scene, because they represent two privileged moments of dialogue between Galician literature and Modernity. Being relatively short texts, it's possible to accommodate the reading within the limits of a thesis. -- On the other hand, each chapter includes a view of the visited work in essay style, less related to mere examination of the text, where relevant issues which arise in the reading are dealt with. These are better treated separately for reasons of legibility. We call these approaches "topics", in the pure sense of 'common places' (not clichés), for the amount of times they are referred to in the course of the reading. 3. What's more, various chapters in "The literary classroom" incorporate different types of appendixes, either for proposing transversal approaches, to elucidate the use of concepts or to deal with questions relative to the global interpretation of the works which wouldn't fit into the "topics" area. 4. The whole thesis is characterized by a game of coming and going between text analysis and reflections on Galician literature, due to the fact that the reading of the works is also a research into the role of the subject and Galicia in the studied texts, according to the followed doctorate programme, "Literature and identity building in Galicia". 5. Apart from the usual sections in a thesis, the volume contains an elaborate analytical index, wishing to offer the virtual reader another way of moving through the texts and restoring the continuity of a lot of questions, literary motives, ideas, aesthetic or critical concepts, relevant to the analysis undertaken.