5PSQ-019 Assessment of the level of knowledge and motivation in hospital centre staff for getting vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2


Data de creación: 25-04-2024



BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE When there were still some doubts in the population about efficacy and safety of the vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, healthcare professionals were among the first to be vaccinated in our country. AIM AND OBJECTIVES To analyze the level of knowledge and motivation for getting vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 in a hospital staff to the administered COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. MATERIALS AND METHODS STUDY: Descriptive, observational and retrospective. CRITERIA INCLUSION: All hospital staff vaccinated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and who had signed the informed consent for data collection. METHODS: Through telephone interview, sociodemographic data were collected and also questions about the assesment of the level of knowledge and motivation for getting vaccinated SARS-CoV-2. The level of agreement/disagreement with the question made was considered using the Likert scale. Related qualitative variables were analysed using Chi2 technique. p <0.05 statistically significant. RESULTS About 108 (88.5%) hospital staff were vaccinated. About 66 (61.1%) workers (81.8% women) with a mean of 42.7± 10.7 years old completed the interview and were included in the study. About 65 (98.5%) of the included staff belonged to the 18-65 age group. Significant correlations founded: 1.More knowledge about AEFI means to be more motivated to be vaccinated (p= 0.037) 2.More level of Technical lnformation means to have more desire to get vaccinated again, if necessary (p=0.001) and less use of drugs to relieve symptoms (p=0.027) CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Nearly 90% of our hospital staff was vaccinated against SARS-Cov-2. The knowledge about the AEFI determined motivation for getting vaccinated. Besides, level of staff’s motivation determined a less consumption of medication to alleviate symptoms, as well as more trend to receive a new dose, if necessary.


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