Facultade de Veterinaria
Publicacións (4) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a
Erratum to "Effect of age and severity of cognitive dysfunction on spontaneous activity in pet dogs - Part 1: Locomotor and exploratory behavior" [The Veterinary Journal 194 (2013) 189-195]
Veterinary Journal
Erratum to "Effect of age and severity of cognitive dysfunction on spontaneous activity in pet dogs - Part 2: Social responsiveness" [The Veterinary Journal 194 (2012) 196-201]
Veterinary Journal
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2012-31 January 2013
Molecular Ecology Resources
Reindeer warble fly-associated human myiasis, Scandinavia
Emerging Infectious Diseases