Publications (44) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. 'Distorted' mitochondrial DNA sequences in schizophrenic patients [1]

    European Journal of Human Genetics

  2. Administración intracarotídea de propofol para realizar la prueba de Wada.

    Revista española de anestesiología y reanimación

  3. Aire frente a oxígeno al 100% en reanimación neonatal. en la práctica un dilema con varias opciones

    Anales de Pediatria

  4. Anemia en la insuficiencia cardíaca. ¿Futura diana terapéutica?

    Medicina Clinica

  5. Angiolipomas y terapia antirretroviral

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  6. Bier's spots in association with hypoplasia of the aorta [2]


  7. Clinical and genetic aspects of 22q13.3 deletion syndrome [2]

    Revista de Neurologia

  8. Coexistence of linear porokeratosis and disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis: A type 2 segmental manifestation [2]

    Acta Dermato-Venereologica

  9. Comments on "The fuzzy polynucleotide space revisited" by Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh

    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

  10. Complement Factor H**This work was supported by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de España Network (grant no. C03-13 received from the Spanish government).


  11. Cribado neonatal de hemoglobinopatías. Una visión desde la salud pública

    Medicina Clinica

  12. Distraction osteogenesis with subperiosteal devices in edentulous mandibles

    British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  13. Dos vacunas frente a rotavirus seguras y eficaces

    Anales de Pediatria

  14. Erratum: Prawns, barnacles, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Effect modifiers or interaction? (Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology (2007) 17,2 (113-118))

    Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology

  15. Erratum: The p.T191M mutation of the CBS gene is highly prevalent among homocystinuric patients from Spain, Portugal and South America (Journal of Human Genetics 51, (305-313) DOI: 10.1007/s10038-006-0362-0)

    Journal of Human Genetics

  16. Exposure to second-hand smoke: A population-based survey in Spain [4]

    European Respiratory Journal

  17. FSI:Genetics-A new journal dedicated to the scientific advancement of forensic genetics

    Forensic Science International: Genetics

  18. Foreword

    Forensic Science International: Genetics

  19. Guidelines on the management of valvular heart disease [4]

    European Heart Journal

  20. Hepatitis C virus RNA in serum as a risk factor for isoniazid hepatotoxicity [4]
