Capítulos de libro (13) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Agricultural cooperatives as transforming agents in rural development: the case of Galicia in northwest Spain

    Aplicación de la directiva marco de las aguas y su repercusión sobre las actividades agrarias: 18 al 21 de octubre de 2004, Lugo, España (Unicopia), pp. 31-38

  2. Application of limed sewage sludge to a young Pinus radiata plantation on acid soil.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 165-167

  3. Effect of fertilization, tree species, plantation density and sowing mixture on pasture production and soil characteristics in silvopastoral systems.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 182-184

  4. Future perspectives for silvopastoral systems in NW Spain.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 408-410

  5. Impacto ambiental de las actividades agrarias

    Galicia: Ecología (Hércules de Ediciones), pp. 176-215

  6. Influencia de la aplicación de la Directiva Marco de Aguas (2000/60/CE) sobre las actividades agrarias en Galicia (Spain)

    Aplicación de la directiva marco de las aguas y su repercusión sobre las actividades agrarias: 18 al 21 de octubre de 2004, Lugo, España (Unicopia), pp. 9-24

  7. Micropropagation of three clones of Morus alba L. selected for fodder use.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 121-123

  8. Pasture establishment for extensive systems.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 266-268

  9. Silvopastoral systems as a forest fire prevention technique.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 380-387

  10. Summary - silvopastoral systems conclusions.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 419-421

  11. The application of WFD 2000/60/EC to the forest management: the functionality of the Forest Extension

    Aplicación de la directiva marco de las aguas y su repercusión sobre las actividades agrarias: 18 al 21 de octubre de 2004, Lugo, España (Unicopia), pp. 70-80

  12. The herbaceous component in temperate silvopastoral systems.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 93-100

  13. Tree growth and pasture production under sewage sludge fertilization.

    Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004, pp. 154-156