Aportaciones congreso (14) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "Konfrontative, strukturelle und valenzorientierte Wortfeldforschung am Beispiel einiger Verben des HÖRBAREN der deutschen und spanischen Gegenwartssprache."

    Lexical structures and language use. Proceedings of the International Conference on Lexicology and Lexical Semantics, Münster, September 13 – 15, 1994. Volume 2. Session Papers (= Beiträge zur Dialogforschung 10).

  2. A look at that/zero: variation in Restoration English

    English historical linguistics 1994: papers fron the 8th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics : (8. ICEHL, Edinburgh, 19-23 september 1994)

  3. Aproximación al concepto de «equivalencia de experiencia» y a los «principios regulativos» en la construcción de textos traducidos

    Actes del I Congrés Internacional sobre Traducció

  4. Artist in progress: Little Chandler, Mr. James Duffy and Gabriel Conroy as sketcches for the "artist" Stephen Dedalus

    Many sundry wits gathered together

  5. El problema del sujeto femenino en "Mrs Dalloway" y to "The Lightouse"

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  6. Fitzgerald¿s the last tycoon seen by Elia Kazan: Hollywood within Hollywood

    Many sundry wits gathered together

  7. Heart of Darkness and the African story: the (now questioned) criticism of colonialism

    Many sundry wits gathered together

  8. How to consider "how": on "how" as a declarative complementiser in the history of English

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  9. La pervivencia de la sátira en la narrativa inglesa y norteamericana contemporáneas

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  10. Los estudios y la enseñanza de la historia de la lengua inglesa en España

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  11. Milton`s paradise lost: the failure of a revolution

    Many sundry wits gathered together

  12. Space i "The grapes of wrath", novel and film: the journey of Steinbeck and Ford

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  13. Stylistic techniques in the comic discourse of the cycle plays: some evidence from the towneley "Secunda Pastorum"

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of AEDEAN: (Vigo. 13th-16th December 1995)

  14. Uso de estrategias de aprendizaje en la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera

    Estudios sobre la adquisición del castellano, catalán, euskera y gallego: actas del I Encuentro Internacional sobre Adquisición de las Lenguas del Estado