University professor
Department: Department of Social Psychology, Basic and Methodology
Faculty: Faculty of Psychology
Institute: Instituto de Investigación en Psicoloxía da USC (IPsiUS)
Area: Basic Psychology
Research group: Cognitive processes and behavior
Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Aprendizaje implícito y conciencia en una tarea de aprendizaje secuencial 1993. Supervised by Dr. Cástor Méndez Paz.
I am an experimental psychologist interested in the interface between learning and cognitive control. My research was initially focused on the question of how learning arises immediately from experience, as it can be observed in a number of, now classic, implicit learning paradigms. Over the years, the question of how learning arises without control led to a complementary interest on the questions of how cognitive control modulates learning in most contexts, and how learning modulates the deployment of cognitive control in return. I have learned that basic science does not usually offer clean and neat answers to interesting questions, but rather it provides educated, but increasingly complex versions of the Galician motto: "it depends". The good news is that we'll have plenty of time to enjoy the quest for such dependencies.