Department: Department of Agroforestry Engineering

Faculty: Higher Polytechnic Engineering School

Area: Agroforestry Engineering

Research group: Projects and Planning


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Gestión y uso del agua en la zona regable del Valle de Lemos, Lugo 2001. Supervised by Dr. Xan Xosé Neira Seijo.

Agricultural Engineering from the High Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (Polytechnic University of Madrid) in 1991, PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2001 and Graduate in University Teaching from the Institute of Education Sciences. After a period in private enterprise, performing engineering projects and construction management, I joined the Santiago de Compostela University in 2003 on Associate Professor of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering. Currently, I teach in the degrees of Agricultural Engineering and of the Rural Environment, Forestry Engineering and of the Natural Environment, Agro-food Industries Engineering, MSc Engineering for Rural Develoment and the MSc in Aquaculture. Membership of the Projects and Planning Research Group of the USC working on water resource management, specifically in wastewater management in rural areas, planning of irrigation schemes and water governance. The results of this work have been published through publications (SCI) as: Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Water Resources Management, Transactions of the ASABE, Biosystems and Agricultural Water Management and Irrigation and Drainage and other scientific publications as: Spanish Journal of Rural Development, International Journal of Environmental and Rural Asia, Municipal Engineering, Water Technology, Information Technology and Irrigation and Drainage XXI.