Publications (197) ALEJO CARBALLEIRA OCAÑA publications


  1. Bioindication and modelling of atmospheric deposition in forests enable exposure and effect monitoring at high spatial density across scales

    Annals of Forest Science, Vol. 74, Núm. 2

  2. Do mosses exist outside of Europe? A biomonitoring reflection

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 593-594, pp. 567-570

  3. Estrategia gallega acuicultura: guía para la realización de planes de vigilancia ambiental de cultivos marinos en jaulas flotantes instaladas en las costas de Galicia

    Asociación Cultural do Foro dos Recursos Mariños

  4. Estratexia galega acuicultura: guia para a realización de plans de vixilancia ambiental de cultivos mariños en gaiolas flotantes instaladas nas costas de Galicia

    Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar

  5. Evergreen or deciduous trees for capturing PAHs from ambient air? A case study

    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 221, pp. 276-284

  6. Monitoring river water quality with transplanted bryophytes: A methodological review

    Ecological Indicators, Vol. 81, pp. 461-470

  7. Quantification of the overall measurement uncertainty associated with the passive moss biomonitoring technique: Sample collection and processing

    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 224, pp. 235-242

  8. Sequential elution technique applied to terrestrial mosses Acclimatization period and replicability

    Journal of Environmental Biology, Vol. 38, Núm. 3, pp. 489-493

  9. Temporal trends in mercury concentrations in raptor flight feathers stored in an environmental specimen bank in Galicia (NW Spain) between 2000 and 2013

    Ecotoxicology, Vol. 26, Núm. 2, pp. 196-201