Ecologías de Aprendizaje e Identidad Profesional del profesorado de Educación Secundaria

  1. Corral Fachal, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Mercedes González Sanmamed Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2024

  1. María del Carmen Fernández Morante Chair
  2. Carlos Freire Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Leonor Torres Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this research was to identify how learning ecologies and secondary education teachers´ professional identities are configured in the knowledge society. After analysing the relationship between these two constructs, the goal was to assess their contribution to secondary-school teachers’ professional development.To that end, a study was performed following a sequential exploratory mixed design. The first phase was qualitative, based on the case study research tradition, involving two interviews with each of the five participating teachers. The second phase, which was quantitative and descriptive-correlational, was done by applying a questionnaire to 311 secondary school teachers in the city of A Coruña.The results overall characterise a teaching staff that is intrinsically motivated, with a defined professional identity and a developing learning ecology. They also demonstrate progress towards including digital resources in teachers’ learning and continuing professional development processes, highlighting the need to expand both formal and non-formal training offered by training and resource centres and universities.