Activity coefficients for ideal mixtures (Hexane/Heptane, Benzene/Toluene, and 1-Propanol/Isopropanol) and non-ideal mixtures (Ethanol/Water, Ammonia/Water, and Carbon Dioxide/Water) determined with Aspen Plus® v12.

  1. Moure Abelenda, Alejandro 12
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


  2. 2 Lancaster University

    Lancaster University

    Lancaster, Reino Unido


Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2024

Tipo: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Comparison of the profile of activity coefficients for the mixtures Hexane/Heptane, Benzene/Toluene, 1-Porpanol/Isopropanol, Ethanol/Water, Ammonia/Water, and Carbon Dioxide/Water.   The mixtures Hexane/Heptane, Benzene/Toluene, and 1-Porpanol/Isopropanol are generally regarded as ideal considering that their behavior can be predicted accurately with Raoult's Law. The activity coefficient was expected to be around 1 for both components of each mixture and this was confirmed by retrieving the data from Aspen Plus® v12, using the chemicals template and the non-random two-liquid model.   The activity coefficients of the mixtures Ethanol/Water, Ammonia/Water, and Carbon Dioxide/Water were predicted with the chemicals template and the non-random two-liquid model, and the electrolyte template and the electrolyte non-random two-liquid property method. This latter approach was more suitable for aqueous solutions.   In addition to the files of the simulation is Aspen Plus® v12, the MS Excel file and Origin plot were included to summarize the results.