A dinâmica de comercialização em circuito curto em lugo_galiza
- Ana Isabel García Arias
- Paulino Tavares
- Artur Cristóvão
- Manuel Lu´ís Tibério
- Rosângela Oliveira Soares 1
- Mar Pérez Fra
- 1 Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - UTAD
ISSN: 2183-041X
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 43
Issue: spe1
Pages: 26-35
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Ciências Agrárias
There are several marketing channels used to dispose of production. However, there are ecological-based food production initiatives that use alternative marketing channels, such as short supply chains, civic food networks, fairs and specialty stores, consumer groups. In this case, a study was carried out to characterize a specific type of food supply in which producers and consumers combine in collaboration for the operation of this dynamic, as a form of responsible consumption. The methodology used was the case study, complemented by literature review, interviews and photographic records. Different bodies of knowledge were mobilized for the analysis and interpretation of social practices involved in organizational processes, interpersonal relationships, knowledge development and food activism. The results indicate that this supply dynamic goes beyond food trade and that in the end it seeks the materialization of a different society and food system.