Competencia digital del profesorado universitariodiseño y validación de un instrumento para la certificación

  1. Duran Cuartero, Marta
Dirixida por:
  1. María Paz Prendes Espinosa Director
  2. Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 13 de xuño de 2019

  1. Beatriz Cebreiro López Presidenta
  2. Isabel María Solano Fernández Secretario/a
  3. Julio Ruiz Palmero Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Research on the Digital Competence of University Teachers is a relevant issue in the context of higher education in recent years and one of the main lines that has been developed for more than a decade in the Educational Technology Research Group of the University of Murcia. After an exhaustive study of the state of the art we can say that there are few models that introduce aspects of this competence that are specifically related to the specific performance areas of the university teacher, and there are also few tests that allow certification of Digital Competence of this group. This fact is the problem that gives sense to this research. In order to solve this problem, we started this doctoral dissertation whose main objective is design an analysis model of Digital Competence of University Teachers that will serve to create a certification test of this competence. To respond to this objective, we launched the design-based research method, known mostly as "Design Based Research (DBR)" (Reeves, Herrington y Oliver, 2004; Reeves, 2000, 2006), carrying out a continuous and systematic cycle of design, validation, analysis and redesign, which led us to the definition of the analysis model of the Digital Competence of University Teachers as well as the test for their certification. In this way, the methodological process began with the design of a first version of the certification test based on the model created by the Educational Technology Research Group of the University of Murcia in 2010. Subsequently, and being aware that the model that supported this first version of the test had to be updated, we decided to resume the cycle defining from scratch an analysis model of the Digital Competence of University Teachers. For this, we launched a systematic review process and content analysis of different models published nationally and internationally in the main databases and repositories of educational research. With the definition of this model we could redesign the second version of the certification test. At a later stage, we proceeded to validate, through different procedures, both the analysis model of the Digital Competence of University Teachers and the certification test designed from it. The result of this whole process is, on the one hand, the model of analysis of the Digital Competence of University Teaching staff, composed of 9 areas and 57 competence indicators that revolve around 3 levels of proficiency and 3 performance dimensions; and on the other hand, the certification test supported by this model, result that we present in this document.