La intervención en el desarrollo de las personas con Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

  1. Manoel Baña Castro
  2. Luisa Losada-Puente
Propuesta de Innovación Educativa en la Sociedad de la Información
  1. Santiago Pérez Aldeguer (coord.)
  2. Guadalupe Castellano Pérez (coord.)
  3. Alfredo Pina Calafi (coord.)

Publisher: Adaya Press

ISBN: 978-94-92805-00-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 122-135

Type: Book chapter


Currently, the stimulation, development and learning of people with autism spectrum disorders seek to optimize the regular resources in their presence, participation and learning. Nowadays, the relevance of natural contexts can’t be ignored. It maximizes the resources and the tools that, from the familiar, scholar and community education, seek to make possible an autonomous, independent and capable life. We all need the resources of life and the people with greater demands of support and help, more and/or better choices. For this, we tried to create a program that facilitates the learning of the people involved in these contexts. This must be adapted to every common situation and reality. The Information Society facilitates this strategy because it allows us to access to each person and context-services, as well as facilitate the guide and adapt the information depending on the level of support needed. The main objective is to optimize the opportunities of living with quality and capacity, enhancing the coordination and support between services to achieve the learning towards a greater self-determination and autonomy. The program we created in a virtual platform through the information society tries to stat from the educational supports needs. It aims to facilitate the presence, participation and learning of all people involved in the educational process, both familiar and scholar, but initiating collaborative learning supports fostering dynamics of participation, information search and help demand.