La atribución de responsabilidades políticas en Estados descentralizados
- Lago Peñas, Santiago
- Lago Peñas, Ignacio
ISSN: 0210-2633, 2340-9037
Ano de publicación: 2013
Título do exemplar: Temas actuales de economía política
Número: 85
Páxinas: 43-64
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos económicos de ICE
In this paper we rely on individual data from Spain to show the individual and institutional determinants of responsibility attribution and to what extent individuals are able to learn about responsibilities. Our results show that the attribution of responsibility is more accurate when the power is exclusively in the hands of the national government, in the �fast-track� Regions and as the decentralization process goes by. Finally, we propose the information and the self-interest hypotheses to account for differences among citizens. Our findings show that the impact of individual variables, such as age or education, differs across policy areas.
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