El uso de las TIC en la Didáctica de la Literatura

  1. Isabel Dans Álvarez de Sotomayor 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo, España
Ítaca: Revista de Filología

ISSN: 2172-5500

Ano de publicación: 2016

Título do exemplar: Dossier: Educació literària

Número: 7

Páxinas: 103-112

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14198/ITACA2016.7.10 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Outras publicacións en: Ítaca: Revista de Filología


The challenge on how to teach or learn Literature implies a broad observation. Nowadays it is much more than mastering a set of grammar rules and to be able to produce texts. This is essential as an acquisition of basic knowledge, but it must be complemented by an approach that prioritizes learning with practice, accompanied by feedback and thought. This proposal is oriented in this direction: to learn to use the knowledge in varied environments, with special interest in the digital spaces in order to determine in which situations certain knowledge is applicable and in which not. This work presents reasons for the use of technologies in literature didactics and it provides possible learning environments experienced with university students of the Primary Education Degree in the field of Didactics of Language and Literature. Future teachers will have to be the ones who will make a linguistic initiation and development possible so that it serves as a communicative strategy in the new production contexts (writing on the web, for example) as well as in any everyday situations (telling an anecdote).

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • Cassany, Daniel (2012): En-línea. Leer y escribir en la red, Barcelona, Anagrama.
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