Una exploración de prácticas turísticas sostenibles en Olón y dos mangas comunidades locales de Santa Elena en el turismo ecológico

  3. Rubén Camilo Lois González
América Latina en las últimas décadas: procesos y retos
  1. Francisco Cebrián Abellán (coord.)
  2. Francisco Javier Jover Martí (coord.)
  3. Rubén Camilo Lois González (coord.)

Publisher: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ISBN: 978-84-9044-317-0

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 1071-1084

Congress: Congreso de Geografía de América Latina (9. 2018. Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Although research on sustainable tourism (TS) in tourism has received greater attention in the last 30 years, few studies have focused on TS in the rural communities of Olón and Dos Mangas in the province of Santa Elena. In addition, although models of good ecological and environmental practices have been widely proposed, these studies are rarely examined in current organizations and, therefore, lack empirical validity. This article explores the model of good practices mainly through the community, but also through the points of view of the public actors in a large organization of ecological tourism. The research places the organization within the model of good practices and observes that different parts of the organization can be in different practices. However, it is more difficult to locate the organization within the model of unprecedented good practices due to the specific characteristics of ecological tourism and the context of the place under study