Traducción y comentario sociológico de un artículo de Fred Petersen (1925-1968) sobre la novela El túnel de Ernesto Sábato

  1. Carlos Allones Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


RIPS: Revista de investigaciones políticas y sociológicas

ISSN: 1577-239X

Ano de publicación: 2018

Volume: 17

Número: 1

Páxinas: 179-190

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.15304/RIPS.17.1.4609 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: RIPS: Revista de investigaciones políticas y sociológicas


In this contribution, I offer the reader two things: in the first place, a Spanish translation of the article, “Sabato’s ‘El tunel’: More Freud than Sartre” – published by Fred Petersen in the journal “Hispania’ (May, 1967), the prestigious publication of The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. The aforementioned Association, which generously granted the journal RIPS the right to publish my translation, is naturally in no way responsible for any errors that I might have committed while carrying out that translation. In the second place, and on my own account, I offer the reader a very brief sociological commentary which makes use of Sabato’s novel and Petersen’s article to call attention to a possible epistemological reorientation for use in research on intimate partner violence against women. That was the true motive behind my decision to translate it

Referencias bibliográficas

  • ALEGRÍA, Fernando (1964): Novelistas contemporáneos hispanoamericanos. Boston: Heath
  • ANDERSON-IMBERT, Enrique (1961): Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, tomo II. México: FCE
  • FLORES, Ángel (1955): “Magical realism in Spanish American Fiction”. Hispania, XXXVIII, nº 2. (May) pp. 187-192
  • FREUD, Sigmund [1900] (1994): ‘Los sentimientos éticos en el sueño’, en La interpretación de los sueños. Obras completas, tomo IV. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. (Traducción: Luis López-Ballesteros y Torres).
  • GIBBS, Beverly Jean (1962): “Spatial Treatment in the Contemporary Psychological Novel of Argentina”. Hispania, XLV, nº 3 (September) pp 410-414.
  • GIBBS, Beverly Jean (1965): “’El Túnel’: Portrayal of Isolation”. Hispania, XLVIII, nº 3 (September) pp. 429-436.
  • SÁBATO, Ernesto (1961): El túnel. Buenos Aires: Ed. Sudamericana
  • SCHORER, Mark (1961): ‘Technique as Discovery’, en Robert Scholes ed.: Aproaches to the Novel. San Francisco: Chandler
  • TYNDALL, W. Y. (1959): James Joyce. New York: Octagon Books
  • ZUM FELDE, Alberto (1959): Índice crítico de la literatura hispanoamericana: La narrativa. Tomo II. México: Guaranía