Verbos latinos preverbados de amplio espectro semánticoestudio sintáctico‑semántico de " praesto "
- 1 Univerwsidade de Santiago
ISSN: 0210-377X
Ano de publicación: 2018
Volume: 45
Páxinas: 167-192
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Verba: Anuario galego de filoloxia
This article aims at the identification of the basic meanings that a Latin verb of a wide semantic content —praesto— includes, and the establishment and characterization of their corresponding structures of complementation. For this purpose, I will carry out (i) a detailed examination of the proposals of the usual lexicons and of what the general surveys provide on the matter, and (ii) a thorough research on a significant corpus of Latin texts. It is shown that to aim at the objective intended, the establishment of ‘frame meanings’ is relevant, as well as the search for distinctions in the lexical features of the arguments and in the configuration of the possible predicate frames. It is proposed that part of the motivation of the semantic variety of the verb lies, to a certain extent, in a non single etymology.
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