Una experiencia de aplicación de los SIG a la enseñanza de control de plagas en ciclos formativos

  1. María Silvia Calvo Iglesias 1
  2. Ramón Alberto Diaz Varela 2
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05rdf8595

  2. 2 Universidad Santiago de Compostela
IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation

ISSN: 2386-4303

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 5

Seiten: 72-89

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation


In this research, we present an experiment applying Geographic Information Systems tools (GIS) in pest management training of the Agrarian vocational training diplomas. The goals of the study were examinating the effect of GIS use on the learning process as well as analyzing limitations of results. We used a qualitative methodology based on questionnaires on multiple intelligences, spatial skills and following up on the topic applied to control groups (explanation without GIS tools) and treatment groups (explanation with GIS tools). We observed a positive impact of GIS on learning process, as in general, treatment groups scored higher in the spatial questions proposed. A motivational effect was also observed, as most students asked for practical training with GIS tools and students were able to identify other subjects in which it would be useful working with these tools. Some variables may have influenced the interpretation of results, such as the duration of the experience, the number and complexity of the questions formulated, and that the focus of the topic was not on geospatial issues.

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