Diferencias de los valores de eficacia en igualdad numérica entre equipos perdedores en waterpolo masculino y femenino

  1. Argudo Iturriaga, Francisco Manuel
  2. García Marín, Pablo
  3. Alonso Roque, José Ignacio
  4. Ruiz Lara, Encarnación
Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte

ISSN: 1579-5225

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 6

Issue: 11

Pages: 4-13

Type: Article

More publications in: Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte


This research job has tried two goals: to find acuracy values in microsituations of play situational framework in numerical equality with without possesion of the ball and to analyze the relation among the accuracy values in losing teams at the end of the match in both sexes. For the empirical part all Barcelona 2003 water polo X World Chanpionship matches were filmed. After observation and analysis, the use of coefficients was valued by means of acuracy in all microsituations of play mentioned, obtaining some values of acuracy. Diferences among sexes in the coeficients were detected: blocked shots made (.000), blocked shots against (.004), possibility of sohts with possesion (.008), definition of shots with possesion (.012) and resolution of shots eith posssesion (.018); taking p<.05 as areference value. To conclude, we can say that five fourteen proposed coeficients of acuracy to evaluate the microsituations of play in numerical equality with or without of the ball in water polo show significant difference among sexes in losing teams at the end ogf the match.

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