Aspectos literarios y jurídicos en las Leges Wisigothorum
ISSN: 0213-9634
Ano de publicación: 1999
Número: 13
Páxinas: 127-139
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica
The Leges Wisigothorum code is an important legislative and literary compilation. Its legal application and its literary study were in force during many centuries, even after the Gothic Kingdom collapse. This paper analyses this code from two points of view. The first penetrates into the literary creation of the Ervigius' laws against the Jewish, because their literary style is different from the others in codeo The second shows how the contents and the "letters" of the Leges were present at the moment, when the notarial documents were written in the Xth Century at the Galician area.
Referencias bibliográficas
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