Estrategias de recuperación del cliente y co-creaciónimpacto sobre la evaluación de una empresa detallista

  1. Vázquez Casielles, Rodolfo
  2. Iglesias Argüelles, Víctor
  3. Varela Neira, Concepción
Estrategias de distribución y comportamiento de compra multicanal: tendencias y oportunidades para que fabricante y distribuidor rentabilicen sus decisiones de marketing
  1. Vázquez Casielles, Rodolfo (coord.)
  2. Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio (coord.)
  3. Estrada Alonso, Eduardo (coord.)
  4. González Mieres, Celina (coord.)

Publisher: KRK ; Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial ; Universidad de Oviedo

ISBN: 978-84-8367-431-4

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 169-186

Type: Book chapter


in situations of service failure, firm develops strategies for customer recovery (CR) such as apologizing, restitution or providing compensation. furthermore, in the service recovery process the firm can perform actions to prevent similar failures. This paper discusses the importance of co-creation (CC) in the service recovery process to prevent similar failures. Experimental studies investigate the impact, individually and together, of the CR and CC on the customer�s attitude. The results indicate, that the CC improves customer�s satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and word-of-mouth intentions, derived from CR strategy.